
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Parachute Pants Revisited

While I do spend waaay too much time putting outfits together and trying to look as cute as possible while maintaining the appearance of effortlessness a la Jennifer Aniston, one fashion rule I always follow is this: comfort.

I don't care how much it costs, how amazing it makes my ass look, if I can't move in it, if it can't withstand the inevitable wrinkling it will endure in my car, I'm not interested. A little intentional slouchiness never hurt anyone. In fact, if there was a way to justify pajama bottoms as interview wear, I'd be the first on the bandwagon.

Alas, I doubt Conde Nast would be at all interested in my shiny resume if I showed up to their offices sporting my softest pair of Joe Boxer PJ pants*.

Thank GOD that the fashion world has finally decided to merge the  two concepts (comfort and style) and create what I think may be the best variant of sweatpants/bellbottoms/skinny jeans ever in the history of time.

Ladies, gentlemen, lovers and friends. I present to you ... the harem pant. Am I going jogging? On a date? To a concert? To the DMV? MET Gala? You don't know. And that's the beauty of these bad boys. Ultimate versatility.

All these can be found at Urban Outfitters.

And these are available at Free People.

Now, before you say anything, I do realize that the cut of these pants is a little hard to pull off if you have the hips of anyone over 12 and you're under 5'10. However, I also know that life is short...inso facto, we should all feel free to wear whatever the hell we want. Inso facto, I'm buying some.

Proportions be damned.

Bring on the Parachute Pant 2.0.

*Thanks to my grandmother every single Christmas Eve, I own at last count, 15 pairs. Oy. Love you, Maw.

Cheers dears.


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