
Monday, January 7, 2013

An Exhale for New Beginnings. Again.

So, every time a new year rolls around, I decide once and for all to streamline my life esthetically, financially, physically, and every other -lly there is. And then by around mid-January, I realize how much easier it is to just keep doing everything that I've been doing, and fall right back into Target sweatpants and ponytails and jobs that keep me in large supply of said sweatpants. Comfortable is liveable, right? So I just keep on keepin' on until I realize that I'm yet another year older and everything around me is exactly the same.

Well, damnit, this year is going to be different. No, seriously, I'm not kidding. The internet's going to make me accountable now. I am tired of settling for whatever happens to be conveniently available and actually seek out things that ignite something in me, that light me up, from the inside.

Here's what's lighting me up today:

Amazing Interiors:

I adore clean, white spaces punctuated by distressed wood, exposed walls, pops of color and eclectic knick-knacks. Walking into rooms like these is like reading someone's journal. Everything has the potential to be story. 

Simple, Effortless, 70's-Inspired Style:

              Then - Jane Birkin                    Now - Madewell
It is my goal every morning to make it look like it only took me five minutes to get ready. There's something absolutely beautiful to me about simple fabrics draped across a body like an afterthought. It's how clothes should be worn.

Words to Remember:

I'm obviously not huge into resolutions because I suck at keeping them. But I've always been a big fan of a mantra or phrase to kind of guide the days as they go by. I think this one is perfect for 2013. If I can remember those 2 things, I think I'll be able to reap much more than I'm sowing.

aaaand as always, this boy :)

photo is property of The Pow-Wow Factory and may not be
used or reproduced without explicit written permission.

This blog is a new adventure for me. It's my mood board - my diary, and photo album and my best friend's ear when she's not available for a cheap glass of wine. I'm excited about what it can be and what I can be through its process. So here's to new and permanent ventures, to being patient but consistent, to never settling for less, ever, and for making the most of the fact that the world didn't end. I'd be thrilled if you came along. 



  1. Is it bad that it really *does* only take me 5 minutes to get ready in the morning? Is for reals slapdash lame but faux slapdash is cool? Not that it makes a difference, because I don't plan on changing the way I do it. Mornings are not my time of peace shall we say.

  2. Ironically, (ironic because it's obvious I take longer than 5 minutes to get ready), I usually think those people look the best. Not fussed over. Slapdash is always cool to me, even if it is faux.
