
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturdays are for...(on a Sunday)

farmer's marketing, car washing, sun-roof open, windows-down cruising, puppy loving, and French dessert eating.

Yesterday was one of those days that just kind of floats on effortlessly. The kind where you don't really pay attention to what time it is because you're so throughly enjoying everything that you're doing.

Instead of writing it all out, I actually documented much of yesterdays happenin's on my super advanced camera phone and I figured I'd just share 'em all here.

Hope everyone's having a groovy weekend!

Pictured above: Axl Rose head scarf, little bit'a Georgia grown, lemon tarts like sunshine, quick view from the sun roof, and the best little car washer I ever did see. Perfect Saturday.

xo lovers.

1 comment:

  1. How true! What a great Saturday. What better way to spend the day than with my beautiful daughter. Did I mention what a great writer she is? Perfect day!
