
Friday, February 1, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in Love

with February. And love and hearts and all that good stuff.

From my experience, people's attitudes towards the first couple weeks of this month vary from hating the commercialization of love by card and candy companies and blah blah, to just looovvving the idea of a day dedicated solely to the beauty of being in love and yadda yadda, to simply enjoying any excuse to bake and decorate the house in a specific theme.

For those interested, I am absolutely the last one. I adore holidays. Nearly all of them. I love themes and baking and doing little crafts, and finding cute seasonal things to do and having an excuse to shop the seasonal section at Target. I love all of it. And it doesn't hurt that this is the holiday where I can make little heart pancakes and leave love notes all over the place and not be considered dramatic and sappy.

So bring it on February. Bring on the love songs and paper hearts and M&M's that taste exactly the same but that are theme colors so you can charge me a dollar more. I want it all.

Here's to love and commercialization and Target and heart pancakes and Kenny G and promises and perfect dates and breakfast in bed and Hallmark. Here's to all of us.

And to vodka. Always cheers to vodka.

Happy February, loves!


images courtesy of weheartit and tumblr. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! I love reading these. They always make me smile!!! Thank you!!!!
