
Monday, January 14, 2013

Reading, writing, 'rithmatic and a case of the Mondays.

It feels like a Monday today. And not a super, great motivating one either. It's one of those meandering, dreary, wet, yet overwhelming type of days that leaves me exhausted an hour or two into it.

Spring semester started today, which essentially means zero fun for me. Because between work, school, internship applications, and my dear, sweet little blog here, all I'm going to have energy for at the end of the day is a bath and maybe a grilled cheese if I'm feeling frisky.

It's not all whining and complaining though. I'm actually looking forward to being so busy and testing out my stellar time management skills. And I'm excited for the opportunities that this semester may present for me (cough, magazine internships, cough).

Another upside to a new semester is new school supplies. I absolutely love shopping for school stuff. Notebooks, shiny new pens, Post-It's. Something about piling all that stuff into my basket makes me feel like I'm ready to accomplish all the things! Plus I have this weird thing where I love the smell of Office Depot. It's nostalgic or something.

So in the spirit of organization and productivity and back to school, here's some pretty lovely Etsy finds to keep me motivated:

Talk about organized!
I'd be happy to do my studying in this gorgeous mid-century chair.
Any one of these 1940's thermoses would be perfect for soup or coffee on a busy day!

For the kiddos:
Retro French flash card
These adorable math and reading workbooks.

I'm feeling a little better about Monday already. A little.


1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs! Made my Monday better! Have a great one Beth :) LY,
