
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday's Tea Bag Philosophy - Vol. 1

Ya know that scene in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World where Scott goes back to Ramona's house and she offers him a variety of like, 30 different teas?

Well, she borrowed all those from me because I didn't have anymore room in my cabinet.

Obviously I'm kidding, but the truth is, I drink tea all. the. time. Not only is it one of the most comforting feelings in the world to find that perfect little corner of your couch and melt into it with your favorite mug, but if you get the Yogi teas, they come with a lovely little nugget of wisdom on the tea bag. It's like a fortune cookie without the MSG bomb in the tiny little white box.

Sure, sometimes they're hokey, and seem to be more suited to those tacky needlepoint pillows on MeeMaw's couch (I love those pillows by the way. Granny chic is my jam). But sometimes they really do cause me to pause. And there aren't many things in my life that make me do that anymore.

And lucky for you, if you aren't a fan of tea (you aren't a fan of tea?!), now you can totally mooch off my tea bags with The Pow-Wow Factory's Tuesday Tea Bag Philosophy.

Here's today's:

Trust the wisdom of the heart

This one would be PERFECT for that throw pillow, but it's really some advice that I could do myself a favor and take. I spend so much time weighing decisions and second-guessing myself that it paralyzes me into complete immobility. But how much of life is missed by doing that? How many lessons am I NOT learning from potential mistakes? I think it's time to like, go. Move. Do. Change. Run. See. Leave. And just trust that it's the right thing for myself and my life. Join me?

Now how's THAT for some needlepoint introspection? Grandma would be so proud. 

